Max on Race Week
Race week brings huge investment to Cheltenham and sustains a lot of our local businesses. But it also presents challenges. Max has been working for years to clean up bad behaviour by a minority of racegoers.
Public Urination
Public urination is unacceptable, but in race week it has become rife. In 2023, Max launched the War On Wee to call on the police, local councils and racecourse to work together.
Since then, a combination of extra temporary loos, the use of anti-pee paint and an award-winning high profile marketing and media campaign has helped reduce public urination.
Max will continue to run the War On Wee. Cheltenham people shouldn’t have to put up with it.

SEV Liscensing
Licensing laws allow the bizarre practice of ‘pop-up’ sexual entertainment venues. An exemption supported by the Conservative government and retained by the new Labour government means that local people have no effective control over licensing during race week. A ban on sexual entertainment in race week is therefore impossible.
Max is particularly concerned about the safety of the women working in unlicensed sexual entertainment premises and the limited powers of the Council to prevent them from operating.
He is campaigning in Parliament to close the loophole. He has brought the issue to the attention of the government and will keep the pressure on until the loophole is closed.
Whatever your opinion on sexual entertainment, everyone agrees that a proper system without loopholes improves safety.